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- What Is On-Page SEO?
SEO specialists pinpoint a range of different SEO tactics that can boost a page or site for search engine results pages (SERPs). A suite of factors work in harmony to get a site or page in the first 5 results in a search. However, Google doesn’t exactly reveal everything regarding how their algorithms operate, which can be a challenge for businesses that want to be more visible in SERPs. So, how do organisations or digital teams create a proactive, well-curated strategy that keeps pace with SERP trends and delivers results? The great news is there are plenty of concrete actions you can take to expand your visibility and optimise for search. A great place to start is with on-page SEO. What’s on-page SEO? Simply put, on-page SEO is the process of page optimisation for SERPs, focusing on a primary keyword. The more variety and concentration around on-page SEO practices, the more likely the page will rank higher in SERPs, resulting in more visitors to the page and stronger visibility. Difference between on-page SEO and off-page SEO On-page and off-page work together to improve visibility. On-page SEO Off-page SEO Quality content Keywords Titles Internal links External links HTML tags/headings Images URL Meta description User Engagement Social sharing Content marketing Listings Promotion of page/site Guest posts Backlinks Brand mentions 10 on-page SEO Tactics 2024 1. Keyword research A great place to start. Identify the primary keyword you want to rank for. There are multiple keyword research tools to help online. They will often suggest related keywords that may help to shape your content. Pro tip: select one main keyword for each page, supported by related long tail keywords for reach. An example of this would be ‘keyword research’ as the primary keyword, with ‘keyword research tool’ and ‘keyword placement’ as supplementary terms. Remember, appropriate and natural keyword placement supports your page in SERPs. There are a few places where it helps to place your target keyword: Page title : the title on the page Title tag : the title as it appears on SERPs. First 100 words: naturally placed in the first few paragraphs. H2 headings : feature keywords in a couple of these. Image alt text : great for user accessibility. 2. Quality content Google doesn’t like thin content lacking in tangible value. Any scraped content or auto-generated information generally doesn’t rank very highly. This means that creating high-quality content that answers users’ questions so they are informed is key to improved rankings. Users will react much more positively to helpful, truthful content that resolves their pain points. Their interest in your high-grade content will boost visibility, further strengthening your page’s position. Sites that rank highly with search engines and audiences generally refresh their content regularly to ensure user queries are answered and that content is moving with the times and connects to where audiences are right now in their lives. Content freshness can make all the difference when it comes to dwell time (how long your user decides to spend on your site). If your content is no longer in line with the right here, right now, then it may be judged as old and irrelevant. In turn, this will undoubtedly increase bounce rates, with users leaving and search engines revising any strong rankings you may have. This a situation most site owners would love to avoid! A positive step is to have a content calendar planned out for the year, with time built in to revise and update old content to better suit user needs. Once you’re in a routine with content checking, it will only take a short amount of time to make sure what you’re showing to users will benefit them. 3. Titles An essential element of on-page SEO, website page titles (title tags) let search engines and users know what a page is about. Take care to consider intent – each page should have the target keyword naturally as part of its title. Title tips: Keep it under 60 characters. The title needs to be relevant to its page. Natural use of target keywords is best. 4. Headings Headings naturally follow from your page title. These refer to the HTML elements: H1, H2, H3 and so forth. Your readers and search engines will find these helpful when assessing the value of page content. Hint: use keywords related to your target keyword in headings. 5. Meta description Meta descriptions are essentially page summaries that sit below titles in search. It helps users to clarify page content and give further detail, therefore encouraging readers to click on and consume content. Meta description tips: Keep it under 160 characters for full readability. 1-2 short sentences for clarity. Use the target keyword or related long tail keyword. 6. Image optimisation Optimise images for improved accessibility with image alt-text. This helps search engines, like Google, to clearly ‘read’ your image, which is vital for visibility as Google provides image-based results in addition to text-based ones. Image alt-text also helps improve accessibility for those with visual impairments, a lack of sight or other conditions that limit viewing access to online images by enabling screen readers to read image information for the user. Image alt-text hints: Keep it short – no more than 125 characters. Be efficient with keyword use. Describe the image accurately. 7. Page URLs The best page URLs are simple and easy to read for users and search engines. Additionally, having a URL for each page keeps them consistent and in the right order for your site. Try to begin with https:// as Google uses this as a ranking factor. 8. Internal links Creating links between pages on your site is a great way to keep visitors on your site for longer and gives users more beneficial content which answers their pain points. Search engines also like internal links as they can crawl your site, looking for content that meets the needs of users so they can rank and index your pages properly. All of these factors mean that your site becomes more visible and potentially may rank higher on search. For example, linking to our SEO Services page can help direct users who want to know more about on-page SEO but need more specialist help. They may be looking to refine their offering and help boost visibility online so they can engage better with a wider audience. 9. External links External links are, in many ways, just as important as internal links to your on-page SEO strategy. This is because if you link to sites with authority it can increase user engagement and trust in your site. Google has acknowledged that adding external links to trusted sources helps to improve rankings and is a way to create real value for your audience. How can you do this effectively? If you’re including sources from some great sites, make sure to link to these sites to build site strength and visibility, you’re demonstrating to users that they can have confidence in your content. 10. User engagement If users spend more time on your site, it can be a real advantage. This is because search engines like Google take notice of how long users like to interact with sites. When there’s too quick an exit, this can indicate something may be incorrect with the site. Search engines, such as Google, optimise interaction data that tells them if a search result – and a site – are relevant and in line with a search inquiry. Something called ‘bounce rate’ can support this analysis, as this data informs about user behaviour and if they leave a site without performing a specific action. If Google takes a variety of data, such as dwell time and bounce rate into account, they can build a picture of how useful a page or site is to the audience and rank that site according to its user value. This is where site design boosting the user experience can create valuable benefits. If your audience has what they’re looking for within seconds, then they’re so much more likely to stay and look for helpful content to support their needs and answer their problems. How do you achieve better user engagement? One way is to ensure what’s above the fold on the page (what users directly see as soon as they land) has measurable value for users. It’s answering their questions with information they need to resolve pain points as soon as possible. What you don’t want is for your users to have to scroll down for a while to find what they need, as most will bounce to find a more helpful site. Information that’s easy to read, skimmable and simple to digest is best. Regular subheadings help direct attention and keep users focused. Consider additional layout options, such as short paragraphs, bullet points, lists, graphics, images and pull-out quotes to help your audience find the right information to suit their query. One more thing… Fit for mobile So many sites look great on a desktop but fail miserably at the mobile hurdle. If users can’t see a site on mobiles then it’s going to damage the brand. It’s reported around 50-60% of all online searches are performed on mobile. How can you make sure your site is mobile-friendly? Try to incorporate responsive design right from the start of the site creation process so that your site will work on any screen. Even if you do this, it’s a good idea to check that any embedded images, videos or graphics are workable on different screen sizes so that you can have confidence your audience – wherever they are interacting with your site – can access everything they need and find value during their visit. How we can help you with on-page SEO As SEO specialists, we listen closely to your needs and requirements. We personalise your SEO strategy so that you have a clear target-driven plan to track your SEO performance for future refinements and fine-tuning.
- 7 Basics Of Content Writing (And How To Implement Them)
As we fast hustle into late 2024, online businesses need to take a long hard look at the content they’re producing, and make sure they’re hitting the Google mark. Because, as with everything Google does, the rules change frequently. And content is king. What was acceptable one year becomes next year’s Black Hat SEO . So many small businesses fail to update their content writing practices and then wonder why they’ve been penalised for it. So, here’s the basics of content writing, a simple checklist you can use to ensure you’re adhering to Google’s requirements, and setting yourself up to rank highly in the SERP. 1. Brand matters Let’s start with the most important element of content writing and your reason for doing it - to build and strengthen your brand. For any business, regardless of your size or industry, your brand is the most valuable asset you have. So focus your efforts on strengthening this essential element of your company. And don’t think, as the CEO, that getting involved in content writing is below you. Put yourself in your customer’s shoes - if you want to find out more about a company would you want to read an article written by Joe Bloggs, a random employee, or by The Kingpin, the CEO? It stands to reason, when you’re wanting to engage with a brand, you want to engage with the people behind the brand. So ghostwritten or actually produced by the CEO, it doesn’t matter, just stamp the CEO on the copy, and give your brand an authoritative face. OK, onwards to the actual basics of content writing. 2. Keywords Keywords, keywords, keywords. Wow is there a fine line between keyword stuffing (very bad Black Hat SEO technique) and lightly sprinkling them throughout the copy. But before you can use your keywords strategically, you have to do your research to determine which are the best ones for your brand/business/company. Keyword research should be the first step in creating your content. Read more about keyword research here. Essentially, if you fail to perform keyword research, you’re just shouting into a void. Your content won’t have an anchor and your audience won’t find you. It’s really that simple. What keywords should you be targeting? A good rule (according to Search Engine Journal , the bible in SEO) is 80% evergreen keywords: 20% trending keywords . If you know what your target audience is searching for, you can give them content that matches their search. The goal with your content, after all, is to provide value to your users and solve their problem. Keep track of keywords through a helpful tool such as SEMrush and if you find any of your keywords aren’t working for you, tweak and adjust the content to find the ones that do. It can be as simple as swapping words in a title to help boost you up the rankings. And don’t forget about long tail keywords and synonyms. Using related keywords in your content highlights your knowledge and authority on a subject. You’ll be rewarded by the Google gods for your wide choice of vernacular. 3. Optimise your title tags According to David Ogilvy , the father of advertising: “On average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar.” So make yours count. Not only do you have to strike the tricky balance of appealing to your audience, you also have to satisfy the insatiable SEO Gods. The easiest way of doing this? Include your keywords in your title. Especially your headline. If you can, put your keyword as close to the beginning of the title as possible. And keep the titles short. Anything between 40-50 characters is best. Any longer and Google will cut it off. 4. Include numbers The simple reason to include numbers in your content is because in a wall of text, they stand out. And when people are skimming your content, as we all have a tendency to do, the numbers jump out. Plus, numbers have an innate appeal. Statistics show that when you include numbers in your headlines, they get 36% more hits than headlines featuring words alone. Don’t have numbers for your headlines? Then use brackets instead. This increases the click rate up to 38% . Seriously, the simplest tricks are the best. 5. Don’t skip the meta description This one is vital. When your audience is scanning the SERP and the only way for them to see if your content is the one that will give them the most value, is to include that value in your meta description. You have just 140-160 characters to play with, so make them count. How do you know what will entice readers to click on your link? Put yourself in their shoes. Create a solution statement that is too good to miss. Something that includes a call to action, and don’t forget to include those all important keywords. Even though Google has said that meta descriptions don’t count towards your ranking value, they definitely INDIRECTLY count. How? If your keyword is being searched for, and you’ve included it in your meta description, well, it’ll match the user’s search intent, making it more likely the reader will click on your link, propelling you up the SERP. 6. Optimise your headers Headers work twofold - first they break up your content into manageable, bite size chunks. Second, they provide context to the reader, giving them an at a glance understanding of what the text below is about, making it easier to skim read. Help yourself, Google and your readers out - don’t forget to include keywords in the headers (just don’t stuff them with keywords). Only use one H1 . Make them interesting. 7. Format the body of content This can’t be emphasised enough. No one will read a wall of text. So break it up. Keep sentences short. Use plenty of white space. Break up lists with bullet points. Bold important words. Keep paragraphs to a 3-4 sentence maximum. And remember, most people read articles on their mobile phone, so optimise content for mobile first.
- 5 Best Wine Marketing Campaigns To Target Millennials
If you’re a wine maker or you’re a wine merchant , you’ll no doubt be on the hunt for great wine marketing ideas. Because in these trying times, if there’s one thing we’re all guaranteed to turn to in the evening, to take the edge off a hectic day or to try and shift the feeling of cabin fever, it’s wine. But how do you persuade your audience that they want to buy your wine? What can you do - marketing wise - to get customers to not just check your brand out, but to actually purchase your products? And here’s the thing you need to know - Millennials are the people you need to be targeting with your wine marketing efforts. Millennials are fast becoming instrumental to a winery or a wine business’ success. In fact, Millennials drink more wine now than their parents do with Millennials representing 42% of total expenditure on all wine purchases. So what are the best wine marketing campaigns you can deploy to bring this generation over to your side? First though, what exactly is wine marketing? What is wine marketing? You’d have thought that selling wine to young adults would be akin to selling sweets to children, not so much. With more and more wineries competing for a slice of the market and consumers demanding more transparency, authenticity and sustainability from the brands they purchase from, guaranteeing wine sales is getting harder. Millennials (the generation born between 1981-2000) will soon represent the vast majority of the workforce, making them the main consumers of almost everything, including wine. And they’re the generation who demand more from a brand, not just value for money. For them being socially conscious is essential, they know that their choices impact the world around them. So how can you market wine to Millennials? Here are 5 tips to help you on your way. Top tips for marketing wine to Millennials 1. Use a specialist drinks marketing agency Using a dedicated food and drink marketing agency, who understands how to market wine to Millennials, as well as have experience doing it (and seeing tangible results too), should be your first port of call. A specialist drinks marketing agency such as Market Jar will help you develop creative and effective ideas in order to connect you with your target customers. They have the know-how to get you in front of your audience and can position you head and shoulders above the competition. As a specialist food and drink marketing agency, Market Jar has an intimate knowledge of the sector and a solid process to develop a bespoke wine marketing strategy for you, to ensure your brand’s success. We're the team behind multiple sucessful wine brands, including Plonk, Pull The Cork, Gasm drinks, London Wine Shippers, Pandemonium Wines, and Quello Drinks. And, we've recently launched the new website for Res Fortes , which you can see below: 2. Understand they know their stuff Millennials know their wine and they can navigate the internet like a pro - they already know more than you think. So don’t treat them like children or novices, talk to them like an equal. Tell them about the wine’s provenance. About how the grapes were grown. How the vineyard is sustainable. Tell them about the winemakers - what makes them and their technique unique. By giving your audience what they want - great wine and an authentic wine drinking experience, you’ll have created a happy customer. 3. Communicate with them through their preferred channels Millennials are social creatures, so if you want to connect with them, you have to set yourself up where they can be found - i.e. on social platforms. Ditch the old, stuffy traditional means of marketing i.e in trade publications, and go where your customers are. Use visual platforms like Instagram and Pinterest to create eye-catching imagery, or create and engage a community of like-minded wine lovers on Facebook or LinkedIn. By engaging Millennials on their preferred platform and taking your brand to them, you’re creating the opportunity to make loyal customers for life. 4. Leverage your reviews Millennials are the generation who do care what people think. Reviews are a vital source of truth for them because they grew up on the internet, they know and understand about fake news and they have a tendency now to trust people over brands. According to Forbes , 97% of all Millennials will read online reviews before selecting a business, with 89% of those believing what they read. How can you leverage this faith in someone else’s opinion? Ask for reviews from everyone - from customers, suppliers, your logistics chain, your mum, your postman, everyone, and integrate these reviews into your product pages. 5. Be authentic in everything you do Millennials value authenticity, so create original content and be proud to be unique. In fact, if you have a point of difference, highlight it! Not only will it make you more appealing to your target audience it will also set you apart from the competition. And when the noise in wine marketing is as loud as it is, anything you can do to get your voice heard is a bonus. This original content can take many forms - social media posts, blog posts, videos - however you choose to connect with your customers, do it, and be true to who you are.
- Reckless web design mistakes (and how to avoid them)
When you’re running a business online, the last thing you want to worry about is web design mistakes - your cup is already overflowing. Web design mistakes But web design mistakes can creep in when you take your eye off the ball. And you don’t want your customers’ first impression of your website to be a bad one. So take some time to look over your website and make sure you rectify any silly web design mistakes it may have. Ask yourself several important questions to ensure you’re on the right track. Questions such as: What are my business goals with my website? Who is my target audience? How will I reach my target audience? How will I drive traffic to my website? The reason you need to answer these questions is because if your website doesn’t help you reach your target audience, nor achieve your business goals, then rather than waste more time, energy and money flogging a dead website horse, you might need to go back to the website drawing board. Common web design mistakes Some silly web design mistakes can be easily remedied, others not so much. Easy ones include: 1. Unclear calls to action If your calls to action are'nt obvious, or are too vague, or missing entirely, then you need to get your thinking hat on. Because once you’ve achieved the holy grail of drawing people to your website, don't assume they will know what you want them to do next. Most visitors need to be told where you want them to go, what you want them to do. Use compelling language that is persuasive and prompts action. You don’t need to write riddles or use flowery language. Keep your call to actions simple and easy to follow: Get started Sign up Buy now Share this These are simple commands that we’ve all seen on various websites. There’s no misunderstanding, it’s apparent what the website designer wants you to do. 2. Not measuring performance If you don’t know how your website is performing, how will you know if it’s working or not? Keeping track of your website’s KPIs has never been so easy. There are so many analytics tools you can use, the easiest of which is Google Analytics - a freemium tool from the very people who can get your website where you need it to go. Google analytics gives you a wealth of information about your website users, you can even use it to set up goals and track conversions. It’ll also help you reach the right customers and show you what action you need to take to improve UX. And the best thing about keeping on top of KPIs? With digital marketing, it’s so easy to test and adjust when things aren’t working as well as you’d hoped. 3. Telling bad stories How do you ensure your website is persuasive? By telling a story that people can understand and connect with. It doesn't matter what your core values are or what great work you’re doing, if your web design tells a bad story, or doesn’t convey your message, or if it’s too generic, no one is going to pay you any attention because you won’t stand out from the competition. The easiest way to make a connection with your target audience is by addressing their needs and solving their problems. Here’s a key business lesson (if you aren’t already aware) - no one cares about your business or what it does. People only care about themselves and making sure their needs are met. Want to ingratiate yourself with people? Give them what they want. Acknowledge their pain points and show them how you can help them. 4. Too much going on up top Have you ever clicked on a website and been overwhelmed by a barrage of information, photos, text etc? What did you do? Click off it again to save your sanity? Don’t let your website be that website. Don’t try to cram in as much as possible above the fold because you heard that if you make users scroll down, they’ll bounce. They’ll bounce for sure if your website is overcrowded, that much is certain. 5. Using poor visuals What’s worse than no visuals? Poor visuals. Blurry photographs, stock images that don’t convey any message other than your company brand as a personality void zone, or badly optimised images all leave a bad impression. If a picture paints a thousand words, save on your copywriting bill and use a great image. Not a low quality image or an irrelevant image, a great one. Not sure how to rectify your silly web design mistakes yourself? Use a web design company , (most importantly, that knows what they're doing) to help you out. They will show you where your website could be improved, or better yet, use a professional to avoid making silly web design mistakes in the first place.
- How Long Does it Take for a Google Ads Campaign to Start
Introduction : Understanding Google Ads Google Ads is a powerful advertising platform that allows businesses to reach their target audience and drive traffic to their websites. When running a Google Ads campaign, many advertisers are eager to know how long it takes for their campaigns to start and begin generating results. This article will provide insights into the factors that affect the start time of a Google Ads campaign and offer tips to expedite the process. How Does Google Ads Campaign Work ? Before diving into the start time of a Google Ads campaign, it’s essential to understand how the platform operates. Google Ads works on a pay-per-click (PPC) model, where advertisers bid on keywords to display their ads in search results. Advertisers create campaigns, set their budgets, and create ad groups containing relevant keywords and compelling ad copy to target their desired audience. Factors Affecting the Start Time of a Google Ads Campaign Several factors can impact the start time of a Google Ads campaign. It’s crucial to consider these factors to understand why there might be delays in your campaign initiation. Some of the key factors include: Website Access – One we have seen more and more recently, is customer agencies reluctant to give out admin access to their customer’s sites. Access to Google Analytics – similar to the above, are customers reluctant to give out admin access to their customers’ analytics accounts? Ad Approval Process: Google has strict policies and guidelines for ad content. Advertisements need to comply with these policies before they can be approved and start running. Billing Setup and Verification: Advertisers need to set up their billing information and undergo verification processes to ensure a smooth payment experience. Campaign Settings: Creating and configuring campaign settings can take time, especially when fine-tuning targeting options, ad scheduling, and budget allocation. Ad Rank and Quality Score: Google calculates the ad rank based on factors like bid amount, ad quality, and expected click-through rate. Higher ad ranks can result in faster ad delivery and better campaign performance. Typical Timeline for a Google Ads Campaign to Start While the start time can vary depending on the factors mentioned above, there is a typical timeline for a Google Ads campaign to begin: Initial Ad Review (Within 1 Business Day): Google aims to review ads promptly to ensure compliance with policies. Billing and Payment Verification (Within 1-2 Business Days): Advertisers need to go through billing setup and verification, which can take a couple of business days. Campaign Creation and Settings (Varies Based on Complexity): Setting up campaign structure, targeting options, and ad settings can take time, depending on the complexity of the campaign. Ad Delivery and Ad Rank (Varies Based on Competition): Once the campaign is live, the ad delivery and ad rank depend on factors like competition and auction dynamics. Tips to Expedite the Start Time of a Google Ads Campaign If you’re eager to start your Google Ads campaign quickly, here are some tips to expedite the process: Ensure Compliance with Google Ads Policies: Familiarize yourself with Google’s advertising policies and create ads that adhere to these guidelines to avoid unnecessary delays. Set Up Billing and Payment Methods in Advance: Prepare your billing and payment information in advance to streamline the verification process. Optimize Campaign Settings for Quick Approval: Review and optimize your campaign settings to ensure a faster approval process. Improve Ad Quality and Relevance: Enhance the quality and relevance of your ads by focusing on compelling ad copy, relevant keywords, and well-designed landing pages. Get Ready to Launch Your Google Ads Campaign While the exact start time of a Google Ads campaign may vary, understanding the factors that influence this timeline can help you prepare for a successful campaign launch. By following the tips mentioned and optimizing your campaign setup, you can expedite the start time and begin reaping the benefits of a well-structured ad campaign on Google Ads. Key takeaway: Google Ads campaigns can take time to start: A lot of factors can affect the start time of a Google Ads campaign, including the ad approval process, billing setup, campaign settings, and ad rank. Timeline for a Google Ads campaign to start: The typical timeline involves initial ad review, billing and payment verification, campaign creation and settings, and ad delivery process. Tips to expedite the start time: To launch a Google Ads campaign faster, ensure compliance with Google Ads policies, set up billing in advance, optimize campaign settings, and improve ad quality and relevance. How Does a Google Ads Campaign Work? Managed Google Ads campaigns are an essential aspect of online advertising platforms that allow businesses to create and manage their advertisements effectively. These campaigns provide businesses with the opportunity to target their desired audience based on various factors like location, demographics, and interests. By selecting relevant keywords, businesses can ensure that their advertisements appear when users search for those specific keywords. To determine which advertisements are displayed, Google Ads employs an auction system where advertisers compete for keywords. The likelihood of advertisement visibility increases with a higher bid and quality score. Google evaluates the quality of advertisements by assessing their relevance and user experience, resulting in a higher quality score for more relevant and user-friendly advertisements. The placement of an advertisement on the search results page is determined by its ranking, which takes into account the quality score and bid amount. To optimize a Google Ads campaign, it is crucial to focus on the relevance of the advertisement and the overall user experience. Regularly monitoring and adjusting keywords and bids ensures that the advertisements effectively reach the intended audience. Factors Affecting the Start Time of a Google Ads Campaign When it comes to starting a Google Ads campaign, there are a few key factors that can influence how long it takes to get things up and running. From the approval process for your ads to setting up and verifying billing details, to fine-tuning your campaign settings – each element plays a role in determining the start time. Plus, let’s not forget about ad rank and quality score , which can impact the visibility and effectiveness of your campaign. So, let’s dive into these factors and uncover what you need to know for a successful Google Ads launch! 1. Ad Approval Process When considering the ad approval process for Google Ads campaigns , various elements can impact the schedule. These elements include the ad content , adherence to policies, review time , and resubmission . Before your ads can start running, they must go through an approval process where your ad text , landing page, and any associated images or videos are assessed. It is crucial to follow best practices and abide by Google Ads policies to expedite the approval process. By creating high-quality and relevant ads and complying with guidelines, you can minimize review time and ensure a smooth start to your Google Ads campaign . The ad approval process typically takes 1-3 business days , but it may vary depending on these factors. Monitoring your ad status and making necessary adjustments are important to ensure a timely launch of your campaign. 2. Billing Setup and Verification Submit billing details and payment method: Provide billing information and choose a payment method for your Google Ads campaign. This includes inputting credit card information or linking a bank account for automatic payments. Account verification: Google Ads may require account verification to ensure the authenticity and validity of billing information. This process may involve submitting additional documentation or verifying identity. Payment verification: Google Ads will check the payment method provided to ensure it is valid and can be successfully charged for advertising costs. This step is crucial for strong billing and payment processing. Confirm billing setup: After verifying billing and payment information, confirm the billing setup in your Google Ads account. This step ensures that billing details are accurate and ready for the campaign. Fun Fact: With Google Ads, you can set a daily budget for your campaign, giving you control over advertising expenses and allowing you to optimize your budget for maximum results. 3. Campaign Settings Campaign settings are of utmost importance for Google Ads campaigns . They play a crucial role in determining the start time of the campaign. 1. Targeting: Advertisers must specify their intended audience by selecting particular demographics, locations, interests, or keywords. Precise targeting of potential customers enhances the effectiveness of advertisements. 2. Bidding Strategy: Advertisers have the option to choose their bidding strategies, such as manual CPC or automated bidding options like target CPA or target ROAS. The chosen strategy determines the advertiser’s willingness to pay for each click or conversion. Optimizing the bidding strategy can help achieve desired campaign results and allocate the budget effectively. 3. Ad Extensions: Advertisers can enhance the visibility and relevance of their ads by using ad extensions such as site links, callouts, or structured snippets. These extensions provide additional information about the business, attracting potential customers and increasing click-through rates. 4. Ad Schedule: Advertisers can schedule their ads to run at specific times or days. By identifying the most effective times to reach their target audience, advertisers can optimize their campaign’s performance and budget allocation. By configuring campaign settings carefully, advertisers can ensure a successful start to their Google Ads campaign , reaching the right audience at the right time. 4. Ad Rank and Quality Score Ad Rank and Quality Score are important metrics used by Google to determine the position and visibility of advertisements in search results. Ad Rank takes into account factors such as keyword relevance, advertisement quality, and landing page experience. By optimizing these factors, advertisements can have a better chance of appearing at the top of search results. On the other hand, the Quality Score is a rating given by Google to evaluate the quality and relevance of advertisements and landing pages to users’ search queries. Factors such as click-through rate , advertisement relevance , and landing page experience are considered when calculating the Quality Score. By achieving a higher Quality Score, advertisements can achieve better positions and lower costs. By enhancing your Ad Rank and Quality Score, you can improve the visibility of your advertisements and reduce your cost per click . Ultimately, this will lead to better performance for your Google Ads campaign. Typical Timeline for a Google Ads Campaign to Start When it comes to starting a Google Ads campaign, time is of the essence. In this section, we’ll explore the typical timeline for getting your ads up and running. From the initial ad review to billing and payment verification, to campaign creation and settings, and finally, to ad delivery and ad rank, we’ll uncover the step-by-step process that determines how long it takes for your campaign to go live. So, strap in and get ready to dive into the nitty-gritty of starting a successful Google Ads campaign. 1. Initial Ad Review The initial process of reviewing advertisements for a Google Ads campaign , also known as the Initial Ad Review , evaluates the submitted advertisements to ensure they align with Google Ads policies. This assessment is essential to maintain the quality and relevance of advertisements that are displayed to users. By adhering to these policies, which emphasize accurate and truthful content , it becomes easier to avoid any potential delays in approval. To expedite the start of the campaign, it is advisable to set up billing and payment methods in advance, as this allows for a seamless verification process. Optimizing campaign settings to align with advertising objectives, such as selecting target options , relevant keywords , and preferences for ad scheduling , can significantly increase the likelihood of a swift approval process. 2. Billing and Payment Verification Before starting a Google Ads campaign, the advertiser must establish billing information and payment method for billing and payment verification . Google Ads verifies the payment method to ensure its validity before the campaign starts. This may involve a small charge and refund as part of the billing and payment verification process . To avoid any delays in starting the campaign, it is important to provide accurate billing details and a valid payment method for billing and payment verification . Efficient processing and expediting the start time of the campaign can be achieved by ensuring that payment information is up to date for billing and payment verification . Prevent any delays or disapproval of the campaign by complying with Google Ads’ policies and guidelines for billing and payment verification . If you encounter any issues or concerns during the billing and payment verification process , reach out to Google Ads support for assistance. The duration of the verification process can vary, but it typically takes a few minutes to a couple of hours for billing and payment verification . 3. Campaign Creation and Settings Campaign Creation and Settings Define campaign objectives: Before creating your Google Ads campaign, clearly define your goals and objectives. Determine if you want to drive website traffic, generate leads, or increase brand awareness. Select campaign type: Based on your objectives, choose the appropriate campaign type. Options include Search Network, Display Network, Video, Shopping, or App . Create ad groups: Organize your campaign by creating ad groups. Group your ads and keywords according to a specific theme or target audience. Choose keywords: Identify relevant keywords that align with your target audience’s search queries through keyword research. Opt for keywords that have high search volume and relevance to your business. Write compelling ad copy: Craft persuasive ad copy that entices users to click. Create attention-grabbing headlines and emphasize the unique selling points of your products or services. Set bids and budgets: Determine your bidding strategy and set appropriate bids for your keywords. Also, set a daily budget to control your campaign spending. Configure targeting settings: Ensure your ads reach the right audience by selecting target locations, languages, and audience demographics. Utilize advanced targeting options such as interests, behaviours, and remarketing for precise targeting. Add ad extensions: Improve your ads by incorporating ad extensions like site link extensions, call extensions, or location extensions. These extensions provide additional information and boost ad visibility. Pro-tip: Continuously monitor and optimize your campaign settings to enhance performance. Test different ad variations, adjust bids, and refine targeting to maximize the effectiveness of your Google Ads campaign. 4. Ad Delivery and Ad Rank Ad delivery and ad rank are critical factors for the success of a Google Ads campaign. To determine which ads to display and in what order, Google Ads utilizes an auction system. Ads with higher ad ranks have a greater chance of being showcased. The delivery of ads is dependent on various factors such as bid amounts, ad quality, and user relevance. The ad rank is determined by a combination of the bid amount and the quality of the ad . The higher the ad rank, the better the position of the ad on the search results page. Optimizing ads to enhance their quality and relevance is important as it can significantly impact the ad rank and ad delivery. To improve ad delivery and ad rank, it is essential to: Optimize the selection and targeting of keywords to effectively reach the desired audience. Create compelling and relevant ad copy that entices users to click. Continuously monitor and adjust bids to maintain competitiveness. Enhance the landing page experience and relevance. By prioritizing ad delivery and ad rank, you can maximize the visibility of your ads and increase the probability of achieving your campaign objectives. Tips to Expedite the Start Time of a Google Ads Campaign Looking to kick-start your Google Ads campaign without delay? Look no further! This section is packed with valuable tips to expedite the start time of your campaign. From ensuring compliance with Google Ads policies to setting up billing and payment methods in advance, we’ve got you covered. Plus, we’ll reveal how optimizing campaign settings and improving ad quality can help you get that quick approval. Get ready to skyrocket your Google Ads success right off the bat! 1. Ensure Compliance with Google Ads Policies To ensure compliance with Google Ads policies , please follow the steps outlined below: 1. Thoroughly examine the Google Ads policies page. 2. Guarantee that your advertisements and landing pages conform to the policies. 3. Refrain from utilizing misleading content , including false assertions or exaggerations. 4. Only endorse safe and lawful products or services. When I conducted a Google Ads campaign for my online store, I meticulously reviewed and adhered to the Google Ads policies . I made the necessary adjustments to ensure compliance and adherence to the guidelines. This allowed me to steer clear of potential issues or penalties and develop a campaign that met Google’s standards. It provided me with peace of mind, knowing that my advertisements were being presented to a broader audience while upholding ethical practices. 2. Set Up Billing and Payment Methods in Advance Setting up billing and payment methods in advance is crucial for a smooth start to your Google Ads campaign. Follow these steps to set up your billing and payment methods: Log in to your Google Ads account and go to the “Billing” section. Choose your preferred payment method, such as a credit card or bank transfer . Enter all the necessary details, including your billing address and payment information . Thoroughly review and confirm the accuracy of your selected payment method . Decide between automatic payments or manual payments based on your preference and budget. Verify your payment method by providing any additional information that Google may request. Regularly monitor your account to ensure that your billing information remains up to date. By setting up your billing and payment methods in advance, you can avoid any delays in starting your Google Ads campaign. This ensures a seamless billing process and timely approval and launch of your ads. Take the time to enter and verify your payment details accurately to prevent any disruptions at the start of your campaign. 3. Optimize Campaign Settings for Quick Approval Optimizing campaign settings for quick approval ensures that your Google Ads campaign is up and running smoothly. By following these steps, you can expedite the approval process and get your ads in front of your desired audience faster: 1. Comply with all Google Ads policies to meet their guidelines and avoid any potential delays in approval. 2. Make sure to plan and set up your billing and payment methods in advance. This proactive approach helps prevent any hiccups that could prolong the approval process. 3. Select relevant keywords and ad placements strategically . By doing so, you can maximize the effectiveness of your campaign and ensure that you are targeting the right audience. 4. Craft compelling and well-written ad copy that resonates with your target audience. By developing persuasive ad content, you can increase the chances of your ads being approved quickly. To illustrate the effectiveness of these optimization steps, let’s consider a scenario where a small business owner wanted to launch a Google Ads campaign to promote their new product. By adhering to Google Ads policies, planning their billing and payment methods in advance, and creating engaging ad copy, they were able to swiftly obtain campaign approval within a few hours. As a result, they were able to promptly reach their target audience and start generating sales. This successful optimization of their campaign settings not only helped them achieve their advertising objectives promptly but also resulted in a positive return on investment. 4. Improve Ad Quality and Relevance – Enhance Ad Quality and Relevance: Incorporate relevant keywords into your advertisement to improve its overall quality and relevance. By doing so, the Google Ads algorithm can effectively identify the best target audience for your ads. – Develop Compelling Ad Copy: Craft engaging and persuasive ad copy that clearly communicates the unique selling points of your product or service. Utilize clear and concise language to capture the attention of potential customers. – Showcase Unique Selling Points: Highlight the distinct features or benefits of your product that differentiate it from competitors. This will attract customers who specifically seek what you offer. – Integrate Relevant Keywords in Ad Headlines and Descriptions: Include appropriate keywords in your ad headlines and descriptions, enhancing the visibility and relevance of your ads. This ensures that your ads appear in relevant search results. – Optimize Landing Pages: Ensure that the landing pages you direct users to are pertinent to the ad they clicked on. The content on the landing page should reinforce the message and unique selling points of your ad. – Continually Test and Optimize Ads: Regularly monitor the performance of your ads and make necessary adjustments to enhance their quality and relevance. Experiment with different ad variations to determine the most effective ones. – Ensure Mobile-Friendliness: Considering the significant number of internet users accessing the web through mobile devices, optimize your ads and landing pages for mobile viewing. – Monitor and Analyze Ad Performance: Utilize analytical tools to track the performance of your ads. Analyze metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and bounce rates to gain insights and make data-driven decisions for improving the quality and relevance of your ads. Frequently Asked Questions How long does it take for a Google Ads campaign to start? It typically takes anything from 1 – 3 months for a Google Ads campaign to develop into a strong one. Factors such as historical data, conversion tracking accuracy, Smart Bidding utilization, monthly budget, website speed, and CVR can affect the timeline. What is the ramp-up time for a Google Ads campaign? The ramp-up time for a Google Ads campaign refers to the initial onboarding period where impressions and clicks from the daily budget may be limited. It is recommended to have a minimum of 15 clicks per day per ad group and 200-300 clicks on keywords per month for early signs of success. How long is the learning period for a Google Ads campaign? The learning period for a Google Ads campaign can take 2-4 weeks after the first week. During this time, the algorithm gathers data, and the campaign’s delivery and efficiency may decrease. CPCs may increase, and conversion rates may decrease. Once enough data is collected, optimization changes can be made. How long does it take for a Google Ads campaign to see online visibility? It takes at least 3 months for a Google Ads campaign to mature and develop into a strong campaign. During the initial 7 days, Google reviews and approves the account, and then takes 7 days to gather data and examine the target audience. After the first week, the campaign starts to pick up momentum. How can PPC Geeks help with Google Ads campaign management? PPC Geeks is a Google Ads agency that offers free comprehensive audits and Google Ads management services. Their team of experts can help create, analyze, and optimize campaigns to deliver meaningful results. They can navigate elements like bid strategy, keyword selection, ad copy variations, and negative keywords effectively. How can I contact Market Jar for Google Ads management services? To reach out to Market Jar for Google Ads management services, you can fill out our online contact form . We offer services including creating, analyzing, and optimizing campaigns to deliver meaningful results. We have nearly a decade of experience in digital marketing.
- What are the most Important SEO Metrics?
SEO is an important topic for every business. It dictates how your website ranks in search engines which means that it influences the number of visitors you get and the conversion rate. There are a lot of different metrics that you could track when it comes to SEO, so see below what we feel are the most important SEO metrics. What are the most important SEO Metrics? Organic Traffic . This is perhaps the most obvious metric, but it’s still important to track. You want to see how much traffic your site is getting from organic search results. Backlinks and referring domains . The quality of links, that are referring to your domain should be more important than the quantity. Always quality over quantity! Top exit pages . Exit pages are the last page a visitor views before they leave your website. So you want to keep an eye on these. Revenue . Most will tell you that revenue is a KPI – well they are wrong, it’s a metric! And a very important one at that! Organic Conversion Rate . You’ll want to track your conversion rate – that is, the percentage of visitors who take a desired action on your site (such as making a purchase Page Speed . One of the most important metrics of all – if your landing pages are too slow, you will have a very high bounce rate. Core Web Vitals . A little more on the technical SEO side, however, this is based on URL performance. In a nutshell, these improve user engagement and user experience. How to Track Your Important SEO Metrics There are a lot of different metrics that you could track when it comes to your key performance, however, which ones are the most important? Here are a few key metrics that you should keep an eye on: Organic Traffic levels . The level of traffic that your website is getting. Look at both the overall volume of traffic and the quality of the traffic (based on things like bounce rate and time on site). Leads and sales . If you’re running a Shopify website , then you’ll want to track how many leads and sales you’re getting because of your SEO efforts. This will give you a good indication of whether your SEO strategy is working. Revenue . Revenue-focused SEO relies entirely on the fact that everything is tracked and measured accurately. This will give you an indication of how well your SEO efforts are paying off. What is the least important SEO Metric? Vanity Metrics – Things like, how many keywords are ranking - this isn't important! Ranking 100 keywords is not going to put food on the table for your family, whereas knowing you've onboarded 2,000 new customers, or sold £25,000 in new orders should be a priority! Remember, we’re focusing on the SEO metrics that matter to the business – sales, leads, and customer enquiries. It’s seriously important that you remain focused on this and don’t lose your way by being distracted by vanity metrics and ranking factors. Reasons for Implementing a Tracking System There are a variety of reasons why you might want to implement a tracking system for your business. Perhaps you want to increase your organic visibility and reach, or you may be looking to improve your site’s overall performance. In any case, tracking your SEO metrics can be a helpful way to gauge its success and identify areas for improvement. Another important metric to track is your site’s engagement. This can help you see how people are interacting with your content, and whether they’re finding it useful or interesting. Engagement data can also be used to identify which topics are most popular with your readership, and which ones might need more work. Tracking your SEO performance can be a helpful way to gauge its success and identify areas for improvement. By keeping an eye on these figures, you can ensure that your site is on the right track and making the most impact possible. SEO is a complicated and ever-evolving field. To make your website more visible to customers, you must understand the basics of how search engines rank websites. Monitor important SEO metrics and make changes to your website accordingly to improve your traffic numbers. Looking to rank better in search engines? If you’re looking for an international SEO agency to provide you with professional SEO services , book a growth audit . Whether your desired reach is local or global, hiring us to help you rank number one in search engine results is the best investment you can make. Contact us today , and let’s get started!
- 6 Things to Check, When Your Website Traffic Suddenly Drops
Many website owners and SEOs have experienced a sudden drop in organic traffic. A variety of reasons, including a recent Google algorithm change, could be at play here. Thus, having a backup plan in place is essential during such unexpected challenges. When organic traffic loss is seen, it’s time to seek answers. Here are the first things you must check when your organic traffic drops suddenly. Check the Google Search Console The first item on our list is your Google Search Console account, and this is for one simple reason: it contains a wealth of information about your SEO analytics, including organic traffic. As a result, while examining the traffic to your website, you should begin with Search Console. Search Console provides a variety of information, including the following: Google Messages A list of internal and external links on your website Errors in Googlebot crawl rate and access data Keyword searches on the SERPs of your website This data should allow for a rudimentary diagnostic. Here, you may figure out the root of the problem, if it came in tandem with previous site updates, if you need to use more critical keywords, if indexing a problem, and so on. Check the Your Tracking Code Incorrect statistics can lead to a drop in site views. A common issue is the tracking code on your website. Tracking code difficulties can arise because of changes to your website’s code or even analytics plug-ins. As a result, before proceeding, double-check the tracking code on your website. If you experience a mistake or need help integrating the tracking code, please refer to Google Analytics Help or contact the administrator/developer of your site. Check for Any Google Algorithm Update Google adjusts its algorithms numerous times every day and upgrades its systems; on average 600 times every year. While many of the Google updates are minor tweaks, large updates can have a huge impact on your website traffic and search rankings. That is why it is vital to stay up-to-date on SEO news to anticipate algorithm changes and plan accordingly. We recommend checking for SEO news on Search Engine Land and Search Engine Roundtable . Check for Connection Breakdowns The loss of internal links may result in a decline in traffic as well, swell as multiple broken links from a URL change etc. While you may lose direct referral traffic, there may be unintended consequences. Loss of inbound links can indicate to Google that your site is no longer authoritative, resulting in lower search rankings and less traffic (fewer people will find your site if it is not as prominently mentioned). If you suspect a link failure, you can double-check. Using a link counter, check to see whether you’ve lost any links. Check for Design and Migration issues When it comes to business, SEO is usually not the first focus. If you recently renovated or relocated your website and saw a decrease in traffic, it’s conceivable that you broke or de-optimised something on your site by accident. Page speed, for example, has become increasingly crucial. Google verified that page speed affects mobile rankings (and remember that Google is thinking mobile-first). As a result, it’s not unexpected that page speed affects rankings and traffic. Recent site redesigns or migrations can cause issues, especially on mobile devices. Even if it is more expensive, reducing your site’s load time boosts your visits and rankings. Check the Quality of Your Content The quality (or lack thereof) of the content you post on your site can slow down traffic. To counteract low-quality website content, Google has already adopted adjustments to remove potentially harmful content from search results. Perhaps it’s not just all about the look of your website, the products you offer, or your customer service. In today’s digital world, you want to be at the forefront of a search engine by updating your website when it comes to updates and algorithms. Simply don’t wait for your traffic to slow down–check on these six components regularly to stay on top of your game! So when your organic traffic suddenly drops next time, you know what to do! Market Jar is here to provide you with professional SEO services and aid in your brand’s success. Work with us today!
- An Ultimate Guide to HTML Header Tags (Part 2)
Header tags give two significant benefits to web pages: clarity and structure. [HTML Tag] As a result, it’s simpler for search engines to comprehend a page’s core theme and structure. It allows consumers to rapidly scan the material to see whether it’s what they’re searching for. However, these aren’t the only reasons why you should use headers. The benefits of utilising them may be divided into various groups. Let’s take a closer look at them one by one. Let’s take a look at seven of the biggest advantages of header tags. 1. To Have Better Search Engine Rankings The most crucial component of your web page is the navigation and the content that follows it. Thus, by placing your most significant material at the top of your page, search engines will prioritise it, making it visible to visitors first. 2. To Aid Search Results Search engines consider header tags to locate relevant content visitors might be looking for. In turn, this makes search results more accurate and tailor-made to the query. The more relevant the content is to the query, the higher the chances visitors will find what they’re looking for and the more satisfied they will be with the results. 3. To Enrich the User Experience The most important part of your web page is the content that visitors are looking for. For this reason, you should display your content first and foremost, not your navigation. By using header tags, you can display your content, making it more readable for your viewers, which will improve the user experience for your visitors. 4. To Improve Readability On the other hand, you can break up the content into sections by using headers on your web pages. In this way, you can make it easier for users to follow along, which will make them more likely to spend more time on your site. 5. To Enhance Content Finally, one of the best reasons for using headers on your website is to improve the content. For instance, if you have a page with a lot of text, headers will make it easier for visitors to get through the content. 6. To Highlight Key Terms and Phrases Although search engine optimisation isn’t quite as popular as it used to be, there still is a sensible reason why you should highlight specific keywords. Next time you’re writing a page, you could take a few minutes to go through the page and highlight the essential words and phrases. These will typically be the keywords that you want to rank for. 7. To Create Improved Navigation When using an h1 header tag, you should make it the same as your page’s header. Often, it’s also good practice to make all HTML header tags the same as the top-level navigation on your website. Doing so lets you create a more consistent experience, lowering bounce rates. This enhances the navigation experience for visitors by not forcing them to scroll up and down the page to find the top navigation. 8. To Direct Users to Other Information In addition to the main content of your page, you should also use header tags to draw attention to other information that may be of interest to your visitors. For example, you can use an tag to show a list of links to different resources related to your content. This way, you can redirect visitors looking for additional information to what you want them to see. Leverage Header Tags for Better SEO Today! There are various ways to leverage header tags for your web page. Whether you want to improve the user experience or make it easier for search engines to find your content, it’s always best practice to use header tags in a way that makes your content most accessible. To do this, structure your web content based on header tags, highlighting the most important keywords, improving readability, and making navigation consistent. This way, you will save time and effort while improving your website’s performance. Looking to rank better in search? If you need a professional SEO agency to provide you with professional SEO services in London, book a growth audit . Market Jar is prepared to provide professional SEO services to businesses in need.
- An Ultimate Guide SEO H1 tags best practices (Part 1)
HTML header tags make it easier for people and search engines to get a quick understanding of what a page is about. Moreover, it can indirectly influence your search engine rankings. For the untrained marketer, these tags can be broken down into varying priorities, from to tags. It’s vital to know precisely what they are, why they’re essential, plus how to use them properly for increased benefits. Part 1 of this article looked at header tags, their benefits to your website, and how to properly use them. Now, we’ll break down each header tag and how you can optimise their function. Let’s begin! Looking Closely at Header Tags Header tags are a type of HTML tags used to mark headings and other vital parts on a page and draw out critical pieces of information. This visually separates your web page into sections, making it easier to read for your users or followers. Heading tags generally come in six different levels of importance, with the most important one being until , the least important. For example, a tag on a website notifies search engines and users that this is the most significant content on the page and should be displayed first. Therefore, the most significant component of your web page will be your content, not your navigation. How to Properly Use Header Tags 1. Tags The tag is used to identify titles like the name of your website or a keyphrase. There are two things you should always keep in mind when using an tag. First, make sure that the text you’re using to identify the top of your web page should be the same as the headline of your web page. Second, don’t overuse tags, as each tag should only be used once per page. Over-emphasising your heading can take away from the text you want your visitors to see instead, resulting in a poor user experience. 2. Tags Just like the tag, the tag should be used only once per page. It should always be placed immediately after the content in a section, as long as it’s not followed by an image or link. The only exception is if you have an h3 tag that comes after one or more headings that are tags. 3. to Tags You can further divide your web page into sections by adding several sub-header tags behind your main heading, from tag to tag (if needed). Most readable SEO articles often end with to tags. These tags should be used sparingly, as they are generally used to identify subheadings, titles, and captions. They appear smaller than to tag and must be used after a level or a tag, as it’s generally easier to scan. The text should be short and sweet. They should also be placed below any images, as they should not be separated by more than a few lines of text. Remember that each time you start a new section, you should also decrease the font size by one level. 4. Primary versus Secondary Headers By default, anything that’s not a tag is considered a secondary header. It’s important to know when to use a secondary header so that you don’t take up too much of your users’ precious time. Use a secondary header to highlight the main point that is not necessarily the most important in the section, such as an essential supporting fact or a side point. A secondary header should be used in the same way as an tag but can also be used in place of an tag. Prioritise Header Tags for Better Rankings Header tags are important for having a great user experience and search engine optimisation. Make sure to use them properly for the best results for your website! Looking to rank better in search? If you need a trusted SEO agency to provide you with professional SEO services in London, book a growth audit . Market Jar is a dedicated full-service SEO specialist , prepared to provide professional SEO services to businesses in need. Whether your desired reach is local or global, hiring us to help you rank number one in search engine results is the best investment you can make. Contact us today , and let’s get started!
- Why SEO Is a Marathon and Not a Sprint, (Unless you're in ecom)
Few businesses understand the importance of search engine optimisation and why they need a strategy that will effectively make them more visible online. From well-funded start-ups to multinational corporations rely on SEO to improve their profit margins. However, they may have misconceptions or unrealistic expectations about how far SEO campaigns can take them within a specific period. Many companies make the mistake of believing they’ll shoot to the top of a search engine results page (SERP) within a few weeks or even days. However, SEO is an organic process that can take months to show concrete results. It isn’t a sprint where you’ll need to invest all your effort for a short duration and one lump sum. It’s a marathon where you’ll have to persevere, prepare, and be patient with your time to see the results, that will warrant you a decent ROI. A Deeper Look into the SEO Timeline Wondering how long it takes for SEO efforts to show results? The answer differs for all businesses, as this is completely dependant, on budget, niche, goals etc, however, here is a general timeline you can use to figure out how long the different steps can take: Site audit: one to two weeks Competitor analysis: one week Technical changes: two to three months Keyword research: one to three weeks Content overhaul: two to three months Link acquisition campaign: three to four months Your timeline experience will differ depending on your needs, which means these steps can take longer or move faster. It all depends on your website’s current condition, your budget, and how urgently you need to move. It’s best to stick to these timelines when possible to ensure you’re moving at a good pace. What Happens in These Steps? There are many elements in each of these steps that require a lot of time and effort. Here is a brief overview of them: 1. Site Audit & Analysing a Website Before you start optimising your site, you must first know what it lacks. The first step to website optimisation is reviewing your website and content to help you identify areas of improvement. For instance, inspect your site load time, which will significantly impact how long your visitors will stay on your website. If they need to wait longer than three seconds, they’ll likely leave. You’ll also want to look at your domain authority ranking, as anyone can do a quick search to discover how authoritative your website is. Each site has a domain authority score, and SEO is one of the many factors that decide your score. There are many more elements to tackle under site audit, so it’s essential to work with a digital marketing agency to tackle them all thoroughly. 2. Technical Changes Once you have your website audit, it’s time to create a comprehensive plan to make technical changes to your website. It’s crucial to ensure all elements on your website function optimally to achieve the best results. Some changes you’ll make are the following: Optimise for mobile-friendliness Secure your site with an SSL certificate, adding ‘https’ to your website URL Decrease page load time Identify and remove spammy or toxic backlinks Optimise pages for crawlers Remove duplicate content Fix or remove broken links and pages Be sure to use feedback from your audit to decide on the technical changes you must make on your website. 3. Keyword Research Keyword research is a vital part of a sound SEO plan . You must use the appropriate keywords in your content to make it easier for your customers to find you online. However, given the endless number of keywords online, finding the right ones can be difficult. To help you get started, think of a list of topics related to the products or services you offer. Then, make a list of important words that are chiefly associated with these topics. Type your topics into websites like Reddit, which will present you with various trending threads, giving you rich material to analyse. You can also use Google to find popular keywords and use keyword research tools to refine your research. 4. Content Overhaul When you’ve figured out your keywords, it’s time to refresh your content. Avoid stuffing your content with keywords, which will affect readability. Prioritise creating valuable, informative content that integrates keywords naturally and adds a call to action, directing your readers toward a specific step. SEO Services to Help SEO is a long process that takes careful planning and dedication to produce the results you want. By proceeding with each step mindfully and cautiously, you’ll sustainably improve your online visibility. If you need a trusted agency to provide you with professional SEO services book a growth audit . Whether your desired reach is local or global, hiring us to help you rank number one in search engine results is the best investment you can make. Contact us today , and let’s get started!
- Here’s What You Should Know About URL Structure Simplicity
No matter what industry a website is in, the URL structure must be rooted in simplicity. Content has to be organized so that logic can be applied to URL construction. Of course, it has to be readable more than anything. Let’s say you’re looking for further information on London Bridge. You’re very likely to click a URL like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/London_Bridge , right? Chances are just as high that you, or anyone else searching, wouldn’t click on a link that looks like www.sampleurlforthis.com/index.php?id_session=394&cuw=23ba8543r3o0sw2327676765 . Simple URLs Make A Huge Difference A good way to keep URLs simple is through punctuation. http://thisisanexample.com/skincare-for-kids is better than http://thisisanexample.com/skincareforkids . Hyphens (-) are ideal, even over underscores (_). When URLs are too complicated and have too many parameters, crawlers will have issues. That’s because unneeded, rather high quantities of URLs will eventually likely end up with similar or identical content on your website. Googlebot could end up unable to fully index your site content or taking on more bandwidth. What Kind Of Problems Lead To Unnecessarily High URL Numbers? Additive filtering of set items – Many websites have different views of the same set of search results or items in general. That lets users filter a set based on specific criteria. (‘Show me coffee shops in Coventry’, for example.) Filters that can be combined (‘coffee shops in Coventry with free wifi’, for example) leads the URL numbers to increase. A list with a large number of coffee shops that aren’t really that different will basically be redundant. Laid out, it looks like this: Coffee shop at “value rates”: http://www.sample.com/coffee-shop-search-results.jsp?nq=643&S=954 Coffee shop at “value rates” in Coventry: http://www.sample.com/coffee-shop-search-results.jsp?nq=643&S=954+56738546378 Coffee shop at “value rates” in Coventry with free wifi: http://www.sample.com/coffee-shop-search-results.jsp?nq=643&S=954+56738546378+275726543 Broken relative links – Infinite spaces usually happen as a result of this. Repeated path elements will lead to this problem. For example: http://www.example.com/index.shtml/discuss/category/food/073120/html/recipes/ category/airfryer/021020/html/category/vegan/364296/html/category/glutenfree/465437/html/Asia.htm Calendar issues – When a calendar is dynamically generated, links to previous and future dates alike might get generated without start of end dates restrictions. Dynamic generation of documents – The problem here is that small changes can make a major difference. It happens because of advertisements, counters or timestamps. Irrelevant URL parameters – This includes referral parameters. Problematic URL parameters – Session IDs can increase duplication in a major way. Sorting parameters – A number of eCommerce websites have several ways for the same items to get sorted. How Can URL Structure Issues Best Be Resolved? Add a nofollow attribute to future calendar pages – This is applicable to websites that have an infinite calendar. Address broken relative links – Sometimes, these can go unnoticed especially if the website is up and running. Check your website every so often for them. Avoid session IDs in URLs – Where possible, this should be done. A better alternative is to make use of cookies. Make use of robots.txt – With this file in place, you can prevent problematic URLs from being accessed by Googlebot. Dynamic URLs should be blocked in particular, like the ones that generate search results. Calendars that could make infinite spaces should also be considered. Shorten URLs – This may be a given, but it’s worth noting. Take unnecessary parameters out of the equation. If you need a trusted SEO agency to provide you with professional SEO services in London, book a growth audit .
- How to Write Calls to Action That Delivers Results
Do you sometimes wish you could quickly get consumers to do exactly what you want them to do? Well, what business owner doesn’t? The good news is that it’s something you can do when you know how to write compelling calls to action for your web content. The simplistic “click here” button might have worked a decade ago, but it’s not going to cut it today. If you want to see positive results, you need to put in time and effort into perfecting your calls to action. Your trusted SEO agency, Market Jar , has some tips for you: Always Use Active Voice Active voice helps emphasize the action that your business is encouraging your potential client to perform. An active voice makes it easier for your customer to understand what you want them to use. As an active voice example, your call to action might be: “Update your profile now” as opposed to a passive voice: “Your profile is updated.” Be Direct Yet Personal You want your calls to action to get results. This means that you have to be direct with your words. However, you also have to be personal. Your call to action should reflect your brand image. For example, you may want your call to action to reflect an encouraging tone. You can do this by saying something like “Get started today” instead of “Sign up now.” Highlight the Benefits A great way to get potential customers to do what you want is by highlighting the benefits of doing what you ask. People are inherently creatures of convenience. You can take advantage of this by showing them how easy it is to do what you are asking of them. An example of this is: “Update your profile now to see your inbox filled with new leads” instead of “Update your profile.” Create a Sense of Urgency Urgency is known to be a potent psychological trigger. This could mean showing that the offer is only available for a limited time in the online world. If you want to create a sense of urgency with your calls to action, you can do this by using the words: “Today only” or “For a limited time only.” Trigger Curiosity When your business is making a call to action that requires some action from a potential customer, you have to make sure that you have piqued their curiosity beforehand. You can create a sense of interest on your website beforehand. For example, if you wanted your customers to download a whitepaper, you could use an enticing headline in your blog post before you encourage them to download it. Use Powerful Words Powerful words can change the way your customers see an idea. They can also be used to encourage your customers to take action. Your powerful words should make your customers feel they are missing out. For example, you can use phrases like “don’t miss out” or “act now” in your calls to action. Words such as “today,” “first,” “immediately,” “unprecedented,” “available,” “limited,” “new,” and more also grab attention better. A Powerful Call to Action Makes All the Difference Doing all of the above will make sure that your calls to action are effective based on the psychology of your customers. In addition, a well-crafted call to action will increase your conversion rates and improve your ROI. How to create a call to action button in HTML Creating a call to action button in HTML is a fundamental step in designing an effective web page. To do this, you need to use HTML and CSS. First, in your HTML code, define a button element using the `` tag. Give it a clear and compelling text that encourages action, such as “Sign Up” or “Get Started.” Then, for added accessibility, use the “aria-label” attribute to provide a concise description of the button’s purpose. To make it visually appealing, you can apply CSS styles using the `